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Press Release

  • XRB CEO Hwang Seung-hwan said, “XRB batteries were developed from the beginning to target the global market. It is a unique technology that can be used in both long and short-duration ESS and is a concentration of cutting-edge technologies in the electrical, chemical, and mechanical fields. We will continue to conduct our own research and collaboration to optimize each field, and we will grow into a single battery platform through AI-based BMS and integrated battery management system.” ...Engineering Journal, Jun.17th 2024 (Link: http://www.engjournal.co.kr/news/articleView.html?idxno=2865)
  • Seunghwan Hwang, CEO of XRB said “Vanadium batteries are almost the only non-lithium batteries that can compete with Chinese lithium iron phosphate (LFP) batteries, which are aggressively pursuing low prices.” He announced that he will establish a pilot factory as early as the end of this year and target domestic and overseas markets.Apr. 26th 2024 etnews (Link: https://www.etnews.com/20240426000162)
  • At the next generation battery session of the '2024 Super Gap Conference' held during the 'Advanced Material and Tech Exhibition Korea 2024' on the 21st. Seunghwan Hwang, CEO of XRB presented "Study of high current density charge/discharge reaction characteristics of vanadium redox flow battery with high power performance for energy storage systems." 2024. Mar. 21st on MoneyToday (Link: https://news.mt.co.kr/mtview.php?no=2024032115320531222)
  • At the '2024 10th Korea Industry Awards' awards ceremony hosted by Money Today held at the Korea Press Center in Jung-gu, Seoul on the afternoon of the 20th, Seunghwan Hwang, CEO of XRB, is taking a commemorative photo with Sanghyun Jin, Managing Director of Money Today after receiving the ‘K-R&D Grand Prize’ in the ‘Expandable Redox Battery Development’ category.Feb. 20th 2024 Money Today (Link : https://news.mt.co.kr/mtview.php?no=2024022017231217971)
  • Jeonbuk Techno Park (Director Gyu-taek Lee) has announced on Dec. 1st that a business agreement was signed with XRB Co., Ltd. for research and verification of technology development to improve the efficiency of flow batteries, which have an output of more than 3 times that of existing vanadium batteries and are capable of not only long-cycle but also short-cycle operation. ...Dec. 1st 2024 ETNEWS (Link: https://www.etnews.com/20240131000115)
  • "XRB has developed a high-output battery technology that can complement the shortcomings of existing lithium batteries and flow batteries and double the advantages. Through this, we aim to become a new 'game changer' in secondary batteries. ."...Energy Economy News Posted 2024.01.12 10:45 (Link : https://m.ekn.kr/view.php?key=20240111010003402#)
  • XRB Co., Ltd. selected as an excellent startup IR presentation company at the '7th Angel Leaders Forum'(Aug. 8th, 2023, Edaily, https://www.edaily.co.kr/news/read?newsId=02374726635705352)
  • GELIX XRB secures new technology for expandable redox battery (XRB)... Promote expansion of ESS-related business(Jul. 31st, 2023, Hankyung, https://www.hankyung.com/article/202307314456O)